In accordance with the Marubeni Group Environmental Policy, Marubeni Information Systems Co., Ltd. makes its best efforts to contribute to society and to maintain a healthy Environmental Policy through its activities as a provider of information technology and electronics solutions.

Basic policies

  1. Establishment and continuous improvement of an Environmental Policyal management system In line with this Environmental Policyal Policy, Marubeni Information Systems shall develop and implement an Environmental Policyal management system and work to improve this system on a continuing basis.
  2. Compliance with Environmental Policyal laws, regulations, etc. Marubeni Information Systems shall comply with the Environmental Policyal laws and regulations of Japan and those of trading partner nations, as well as Environmental Policyal accords and other agreements accepted by the Company.
  3. Marubeni Information Systems shall work to prevent pollution by pursuing the following themes:
    • (1) Conservation of energy and other resources Marubeni Information Systems shall comply with the Environmental Policyal laws and regulations of Japan and those of trading partner nations, as well as Environmental Policyal accords and other agreements accepted by the Company.
    • (2) Contributing to a renewable economy and society Marubeni Information Systems shall contribute to the achievement of a renewable economy and society through proactive efforts to reuse parts and materials.
  4. Ensuring all personnel are aware of this Environmental Policyal Policy and making it available to the public All directors and employees shall be made aware of this Environmental Policyal Policy. In addition, Marubeni Information Systems shall promote training and educational activities to ensure all personnel understand and implement this Policy. This Environmental Policyal Policy will also be made available to the public through the Company website and other media.

Date of establishment : April 9, 2001
Date of final revision : April 1, 2021

Satoshi Kousaka
General Manager, Manufacturing Solutions Div.
Marubeni Information Systems Co., Ltd.